Go to the documentation of this file.
4 /*
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2010 MeVis Medical Solutions AG All Rights Reserved.
7  *
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
19  * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
20  * or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
21  * otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
22  * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
23  * other software, or any other product whatsoever.
24  *
25  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
26  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
27  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
28  *
29  * Contact information: MeVis Medical Solutions AG, Universitaetsallee 29,
30  * 28359 Bremen, Germany or:
31  *
32  *
33  *
34  */
36 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 #include "PythonQtPythonInclude.h"
46 #include "PythonQt.h"
47 #include "PythonQtMisc.h"
48 #include "PythonQtClassInfo.h"
49 #include "PythonQtMethodInfo.h"
51 #include <QList>
52 #include <vector>
54 typedef PyObject* PythonQtConvertMetaTypeToPythonCB(const void* inObject, int metaTypeId);
55 typedef bool PythonQtConvertPythonToMetaTypeCB(PyObject* inObject, void* outObject, int metaTypeId, bool strict);
58 #define PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverter(type, innertype) \
59 { int typeId = qRegisterMetaType<type<innertype > >(#type"<"#innertype">"); \
60 PythonQtConv::registerPythonToMetaTypeConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfValueType<type<innertype >, innertype>); \
61 PythonQtConv::registerMetaTypeToPythonConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertListOfValueTypeToPythonList<type<innertype >, innertype>); \
62 }
64 #define PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverterForKnownClass(type, innertype) \
65 { int typeId = qRegisterMetaType<type<innertype > >(#type"<"#innertype">"); \
66  PythonQtConv::registerPythonToMetaTypeConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfKnownClass<type<innertype >, innertype>); \
67  PythonQtConv::registerMetaTypeToPythonConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertListOfKnownClassToPythonList<type<innertype >, innertype>); \
68 }
70 #define PythonQtRegisterQPairConverter(type1, type2) \
71 { int typeId = qRegisterMetaType<QPair<type1, type2> >("QPair<"#type1","#type2">"); \
72  PythonQtConv::registerPythonToMetaTypeConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertPythonToPair<type1, type2>); \
73  PythonQtConv::registerMetaTypeToPythonConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertPairToPython<type1, type2>); \
74 }
76 #define PythonQtRegisterIntegerMapConverter(type, innertype) \
77 { int typeId = qRegisterMetaType<type<int, innertype > >(#type"<int, "#innertype">"); \
78  PythonQtConv::registerPythonToMetaTypeConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertPythonToIntegerMap<type<int, innertype >, innertype>); \
79  PythonQtConv::registerMetaTypeToPythonConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertIntegerMapToPython<type<int, innertype >, innertype>); \
80 }
82 #define PythonQtRegisterListTemplateQPairConverter(listtype, type1, type2) \
83 { \
84  qRegisterMetaType<QPair<type1, type2> >("QPair<"#type1","#type2">"); \
85  int typeId = qRegisterMetaType<listtype<QPair<type1, type2> > >(#listtype"<QPair<"#type1","#type2">>"); \
86  PythonQtConv::registerPythonToMetaTypeConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfPair<listtype<QPair<type1, type2> >, type1, type2>); \
87  PythonQtConv::registerMetaTypeToPythonConverter(typeId, PythonQtConvertListOfPairToPythonList<listtype<QPair<type1, type2> >, type1, type2>); \
88 }
90 #define PythonQtRegisterToolClassesTemplateConverter(innertype) \
91  PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverter(QList, innertype); \
92  PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverter(QVector, innertype); \
93  PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverter(std::vector, innertype);
95 #define PythonQtRegisterToolClassesTemplateConverterForKnownClass(innertype) \
96  PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverterForKnownClass(QList, innertype); \
97  PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverterForKnownClass(QVector, innertype); \
98  PythonQtRegisterListTemplateConverterForKnownClass(std::vector, innertype);
103 public:
106  static PyObject* GetPyBool(bool val);
109  static PyObject* ConvertQtValueToPython(const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo& info, const void* data);
112  static void* ConvertPythonToQt(const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo& info, PyObject* obj, bool strict, PythonQtClassInfo* classInfo, void* alreadyAllocatedCPPObject, PythonQtArgumentFrame* frame = nullptr);
118  static PyObject* QStringToPyObject(const QString& str);
121  static PyObject* QStringListToPyObject(const QStringList& list);
124  static PyObject* QStringListToPyList(const QStringList& list);
127  static QString PyObjGetRepresentation(PyObject* val);
130  static QString PyObjGetString(PyObject* val) { bool ok; QString s = PyObjGetString(val, false, ok); return s; }
132  static QString PyObjGetString(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool &ok);
134  static QByteArray PyObjGetBytes(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool &ok);
136  static QByteArray PyObjGetBytesAllowString(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool& ok);
138  static int PyObjGetInt(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool &ok);
140  static qint64 PyObjGetLongLong(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool &ok);
142  static quint64 PyObjGetULongLong(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool &ok);
144  static double PyObjGetDouble(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool &ok);
146  static bool PyObjGetBool(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool &ok);
149  static QStringList PyObjToStringList(PyObject* val, bool strict, bool& ok);
153  static QVariant PyObjToQVariant(PyObject* val, int type = -1);
156  static PyObject* QVariantToPyObject(const QVariant& v);
158  static PyObject* QVariantHashToPyObject(const QVariantHash& m);
159  static PyObject* QVariantMapToPyObject(const QVariantMap& m);
160  static PyObject* QVariantListToPyObject(const QVariantList& l);
163  static QString CPPObjectToString(int type, const void* data);
166  static void registerPythonToMetaTypeConverter(int metaTypeId, PythonQtConvertPythonToMetaTypeCB* cb) { _pythonToMetaTypeConverters.insert(metaTypeId, cb); }
169  static void registerMetaTypeToPythonConverter(int metaTypeId, PythonQtConvertMetaTypeToPythonCB* cb) { _metaTypeToPythonConverters.insert(metaTypeId, cb); }
173  static void setPythonSequenceToQVariantListCallback(PythonQtConvertPythonSequenceToQVariantListCB* cb) { _pythonSequenceToQVariantListCB = cb; }
176  static PyObject* convertQtValueToPythonInternal(int type, const void* data);
179  static PyObject* createCopyFromMetaType( int type, const void* object );
182  static void* castWrapperTo(PythonQtInstanceWrapper* wrapper, const QByteArray& className, bool& ok);
184  static bool convertToPythonQtObjectPtr(PyObject* obj, void* /* PythonQtObjectPtr* */ outPtr, int /*metaTypeId*/, bool /*strict*/);
185  static PyObject* convertFromPythonQtObjectPtr(const void* /* PythonQtObjectPtr* */ inObject, int /*metaTypeId*/);
186  static bool convertToPythonQtSafeObjectPtr(PyObject* obj, void* /* PythonQtObjectPtr* */ outPtr, int /*metaTypeId*/, bool /*strict*/);
187  static PyObject* convertFromPythonQtSafeObjectPtr(const void* /* PythonQtObjectPtr* */ inObject, int /*metaTypeId*/);
188  static bool convertToQListOfPythonQtObjectPtr(PyObject* obj, void* /* QList<PythonQtObjectPtr>* */ outList, int /*metaTypeId*/, bool /*strict*/);
189  static PyObject* convertFromQListOfPythonQtObjectPtr(const void* /* QList<PythonQtObjectPtr>* */ inObject, int /*metaTypeId*/);
190 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000
191  static PyObject* convertFromStringRef(const void* inObject, int /*metaTypeId*/);
192 #else
193  static PyObject* convertFromStringView(const void* inObject, int /*metaTypeId*/);
194  static PyObject* convertFromAnyStringView(const void* inObject, int /*metaTypeId*/);
195  static PyObject* convertFromByteArrayView(const void* inObject, int /*metaTypeId*/);
196 #endif
199  static QByteArray getCPPTypeName(PyObject* type);
202  static bool isStringType(PyTypeObject* type);
205  static void registerStringViewTypes();
207 protected:
208  static QHash<int, PythonQtConvertMetaTypeToPythonCB*> _metaTypeToPythonConverters;
209  static QHash<int, PythonQtConvertPythonToMetaTypeCB*> _pythonToMetaTypeConverters;
213  static void* handlePythonToQtAutoConversion(int typeId, PyObject* obj, void* alreadyAllocatedCPPObject, PythonQtArgumentFrame* frame);
218  static bool ConvertPythonListToQListOfPointerType(PyObject* obj, QList<void*>* list, const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo& info, bool strict);
221  template <typename Map>
222  static void pythonToMapVariant(PyObject* val, QVariant& result);
224  template <typename Map>
225  static PyObject* mapToPython (const Map& m);
227 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000
228  static int stringRefTypeId;
229 #else
230  static int stringViewTypeId;
231  static int anyStringViewTypeId;
232  static int byteArrayViewTypeId;
233 #endif
234 };
236 template<class ListType, class T>
237 PyObject* PythonQtConvertListOfValueTypeToPythonList(const void* /*QList<T>* */ inList, int metaTypeId)
238 {
239  ListType* list = (ListType*)inList;
240  static const int innerType = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateMetaType(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
241  if (innerType == QVariant::Invalid) {
242  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertListOfValueTypeToPythonList: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
243  }
244  PyObject* result = PyTuple_New(list->size());
245  int i = 0;
246  Q_FOREACH (const T& value, *list) {
247  PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, i, PythonQtConv::convertQtValueToPythonInternal(innerType, &value));
248  i++;
249  }
250  return result;
251 }
253 template<class ListType, class T>
254 bool PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfValueType(PyObject* obj, void* /*QList<T>* */ outList, int metaTypeId, bool /*strict*/)
255 {
256  ListType* list = (ListType*)outList;
257  static const int innerType = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateMetaType(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
258  if (innerType == QVariant::Invalid) {
259  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfValueType: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
260  }
261  bool result = false;
262  if (PySequence_Check(obj)) {
263  int count = PySequence_Size(obj);
264  if (count >= 0) {
265  result = true;
266  PyObject* value;
267  for (int i = 0;i<count;i++) {
268  value = PySequence_GetItem(obj,i);
269  // this is quite some overhead, but it avoids having another large switch...
270  QVariant v = PythonQtConv::PyObjToQVariant(value, innerType);
271  Py_XDECREF(value);
272  if (v.isValid()) {
273  list->push_back(qvariant_cast<T>(v));
274  } else {
275  result = false;
276  break;
277  }
278  }
279  }
280  }
281  return result;
282 }
284 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 template<class ListType, class T>
287 PyObject* PythonQtConvertListOfKnownClassToPythonList(const void* /*QList<T>* */ inList, int metaTypeId)
288 {
289  ListType* list = (ListType*)inList;
291  if (innerType == nullptr) {
292  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertListOfKnownClassToPythonList: unknown inner type for " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
293  }
294  PyObject* result = PyTuple_New(list->size());
295  int i = 0;
296  Q_FOREACH(const T& value, *list) {
297  T* newObject = new T(value);
299  wrap->_ownedByPythonQt = true;
300  PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, i, (PyObject*)wrap);
301  i++;
302  }
303  return result;
304 }
306 template<class ListType, class T>
307 bool PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfKnownClass(PyObject* obj, void* /*QList<T>* */ outList, int metaTypeId, bool /*strict*/)
308 {
309  ListType* list = (ListType*)outList;
311  if (innerType == nullptr) {
312  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertListOfKnownClassToPythonList: unknown inner type for " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
313  }
314  bool result = false;
315  if (PySequence_Check(obj)) {
316  int count = PySequence_Size(obj);
317  if (count >= 0) {
318  result = true;
319  PyObject* value;
320  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
321  value = PySequence_GetItem(obj, i);
322  if (PyObject_TypeCheck(value, &PythonQtInstanceWrapper_Type)) {
324  bool ok;
325  T* object = (T*)PythonQtConv::castWrapperTo(wrap, innerType->className(), ok);
326  Py_XDECREF(value);
327  if (ok) {
328  list->push_back(*object);
329  } else {
330  result = false;
331  break;
332  }
333  } else {
334  Py_XDECREF(value);
335  result = false;
336  break;
337  }
338  }
339  }
340  }
341  return result;
342 }
344 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 template<class T1, class T2>
347 PyObject* PythonQtConvertPairToPython(const void* /*QPair<T1,T2>* */ inPair, int metaTypeId)
348 {
349  QPair<T1, T2>* pair = (QPair<T1, T2>*)inPair;
350  static int innerType1 = -1;
351  static int innerType2 = -1;
352  if (innerType1==-1) {
353  QByteArray innerTypes = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateTypeName(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
354  QList<QByteArray> names = innerTypes.split(',');
355  innerType1 = QMetaType::type(;
356  innerType2 = QMetaType::type(;
357  }
358  if (innerType1 == QVariant::Invalid || innerType2 == QVariant::Invalid) {
359  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertPairToPython: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
360  }
361  PyObject* result = PyTuple_New(2);
362  PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 0, PythonQtConv::convertQtValueToPythonInternal(innerType1, &pair->first));
363  PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 1, PythonQtConv::convertQtValueToPythonInternal(innerType2, &pair->second));
364  return result;
365 }
367 template<class T1, class T2>
368 bool PythonQtConvertPythonToPair(PyObject* obj, void* /*QPair<T1,T2>* */ outPair, int metaTypeId, bool /*strict*/)
369 {
370  QPair<T1, T2>* pair = (QPair<T1, T2>*)outPair;
371  static int innerType1 = -1;
372  static int innerType2 = -1;
373  if (innerType1 == -1) {
374  QByteArray innerTypes = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateTypeName(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
375  QList<QByteArray> names = innerTypes.split(',');
376  innerType1 = QMetaType::type(;
377  innerType2 = QMetaType::type(;
378  }
379  if (innerType1 == QVariant::Invalid || innerType2 == QVariant::Invalid) {
380  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertPythonToPair: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
381  }
382  bool result = false;
383  if (PySequence_Check(obj)) {
384  int count = PySequence_Size(obj);
385  if (count == 2) {
386  result = true;
387  PyObject* value;
389  value = PySequence_GetItem(obj, 0);
390  // this is quite some overhead, but it avoids having another large switch...
391  QVariant v = PythonQtConv::PyObjToQVariant(value, innerType1);
392  Py_XDECREF(value);
393  if (v.isValid()) {
394  pair->first = qvariant_cast<T1>(v);
395  } else {
396  return false;
397  }
399  value = PySequence_GetItem(obj, 1);
400  // this is quite some overhead, but it avoids having another large switch...
401  v = PythonQtConv::PyObjToQVariant(value, innerType2);
402  Py_XDECREF(value);
403  if (v.isValid()) {
404  pair->second = qvariant_cast<T2>(v);
405  } else {
406  return false;
407  }
408  }
409  }
410  return result;
411 }
413 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
415 template<class ListType, class T1, class T2>
416 PyObject* PythonQtConvertListOfPairToPythonList(const void* /*QList<QPair<T1,T2> >* */ inList, int metaTypeId)
417 {
418  ListType* list = (ListType*)inList;
419  static int innerType = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateMetaType(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
420  if (innerType == QVariant::Invalid) {
421  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertListOfPairToPythonList: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
422  }
423  PyObject* result = PyTuple_New(list->size());
424  int i = 0;
425  typedef const QPair<T1, T2> Pair;
426  Q_FOREACH(Pair& value, *list) {
427  PyObject* object = PythonQtConvertPairToPython<T1, T2>(&value, innerType);
428  PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, i, object);
429  i++;
430  }
431  return result;
432 }
434 template<class ListType, class T1, class T2>
435 bool PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfPair(PyObject* obj, void* /*QList<QPair<T1,T2> >* */ outList, int metaTypeId, bool /*strict*/)
436 {
437  ListType* list = (ListType*)outList;
438  static int innerType = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateMetaType(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
439  if (innerType == QVariant::Invalid) {
440  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfPair: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
441  }
442  bool result = false;
443  if (PySequence_Check(obj)) {
444  int count = PySequence_Size(obj);
445  if (count >= 0) {
446  result = true;
447  PyObject* value;
448  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
449  QPair<T1, T2> pair;
450  value = PySequence_GetItem(obj, i);
451  if (PythonQtConvertPythonToPair<T1,T2>(value, &pair, innerType, false)) {
452  Py_XDECREF(value);
453  list->push_back(pair);
454  } else {
455  Py_XDECREF(value);
456  result = false;
457  break;
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  }
462  return result;
463 }
465 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
467 template<class MapType, class T>
468 PyObject* PythonQtConvertIntegerMapToPython(const void* /*QMap<int, T>* */ inMap, int metaTypeId)
469 {
470  MapType* map = (MapType*)inMap;
471  static int innerType = -1;
472  if (innerType == -1) {
473  QByteArray innerTypes = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateTypeName(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
474  QList<QByteArray> names = innerTypes.split(',');
475  innerType = QMetaType::type(;
476  }
477  if (innerType == QVariant::Invalid) {
478  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertIntegerMapToPython: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
479  }
481  PyObject* result = PyDict_New();
482  typename MapType::const_iterator t = map->constBegin();
483  PyObject* key;
484  PyObject* val;
485  for (; t != map->constEnd(); t++) {
486  key = PyInt_FromLong(t.key());
487  val = PythonQtConv::convertQtValueToPythonInternal(innerType, &t.value());
488  PyDict_SetItem(result, key, val);
489  Py_DECREF(key);
490  Py_DECREF(val);
491  }
492  return result;
493 }
495 template<class MapType, class T>
496 bool PythonQtConvertPythonToIntegerMap(PyObject* val, void* /*QMap<int, T>* */ outMap, int metaTypeId, bool /*strict*/)
497 {
498  MapType* map = (MapType*)outMap;
499  static int innerType = -1;
500  if (innerType == -1) {
501  QByteArray innerTypes = PythonQtMethodInfo::getInnerTemplateTypeName(QByteArray(QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId)));
502  QList<QByteArray> names = innerTypes.split(',');
503  innerType = QMetaType::type(;
504  }
505  if (innerType == QVariant::Invalid) {
506  std::cerr << "PythonQtConvertPythonToIntegerMap: unknown inner type " << QMetaType::typeName(metaTypeId) << std::endl;
507  }
508  bool result = false;
509  if (PyMapping_Check(val)) {
510  result = true;
511  PyObject* items = PyMapping_Items(val);
512  if (items) {
513  int count = PyList_Size(items);
514  PyObject* value;
515  PyObject* key;
516  PyObject* tuple;
517  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
518  tuple = PyList_GetItem(items, i);
519  key = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 0);
520  value = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 1);
522  bool ok;
523  int intKey = PythonQtConv::PyObjGetInt(key, false, ok);
524  // this is quite some overhead, but it avoids having another large switch...
525  QVariant v = PythonQtConv::PyObjToQVariant(value, innerType);
526  if (v.isValid() && ok) {
527  map->insert(intKey, qvariant_cast<T>(v));
528  } else {
529  result = false;
530  break;
531  }
532  }
533  Py_DECREF(items);
534  }
535  }
536  return result;
537 }
540 #endif
QVariant PythonQtConvertPythonSequenceToQVariantListCB(PyObject *inObject)
PyObject * PythonQtConvertIntegerMapToPython(const void *inMap, int metaTypeId)
PyObject * PythonQtConvertListOfKnownClassToPythonList(const void *inList, int metaTypeId)
PyObject * PythonQtConvertMetaTypeToPythonCB(const void *inObject, int metaTypeId)
bool PythonQtConvertPythonToIntegerMap(PyObject *val, void *outMap, int metaTypeId, bool)
PyObject * PythonQtConvertPairToPython(const void *inPair, int metaTypeId)
bool PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfPair(PyObject *obj, void *outList, int metaTypeId, bool)
PyObject * PythonQtConvertListOfValueTypeToPythonList(const void *inList, int metaTypeId)
bool PythonQtConvertPythonToMetaTypeCB(PyObject *inObject, void *outObject, int metaTypeId, bool strict)
bool PythonQtConvertPythonToPair(PyObject *obj, void *outPair, int metaTypeId, bool)
PyObject * PythonQtConvertListOfPairToPythonList(const void *inList, int metaTypeId)
bool PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfKnownClass(PyObject *obj, void *outList, int metaTypeId, bool)
bool PythonQtConvertPythonListToListOfValueType(PyObject *obj, void *outList, int metaTypeId, bool)
PYTHONQT_EXPORT PyTypeObject PythonQtInstanceWrapper_Type
struct _object PyObject
Stores C++ arguments for a qt_metacall (which are created when converting data from Python to C++)
Definition: PythonQtMisc.h:102
a class that stores all required information about a Qt object (and an optional associated C++ class ...
const QByteArray & className() const
get the classname (either of the QObject or of the wrapped CPP object)
a static class that offers methods for type conversion
static quint64 PyObjGetULongLong(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get int64 from py object
static bool convertToPythonQtObjectPtr(PyObject *obj, void *outPtr, int, bool)
static PyObject * convertQtValueToPythonInternal(int type, const void *data)
converts the Qt parameter given in data, interpreting it as a type registered qvariant/meta type,...
static PyObject * ConvertQListOfPointerTypeToPythonList(QList< void * > *list, const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo &info)
converts the list of pointers of given type to Python
static bool isStringType(PyTypeObject *type)
Returns if the given object is a string (or unicode string)
static PyObject * convertFromPythonQtSafeObjectPtr(const void *inObject, int)
static qint64 PyObjGetLongLong(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get int64 from py object
static PyObject * createCopyFromMetaType(int type, const void *object)
creates a copy of given object, using the QMetaType
static QHash< int, PythonQtConvertPythonToMetaTypeCB * > _pythonToMetaTypeConverters
static bool convertToQListOfPythonQtObjectPtr(PyObject *obj, void *outList, int, bool)
static void setPythonSequenceToQVariantListCallback(PythonQtConvertPythonSequenceToQVariantListCB *cb)
static double PyObjGetDouble(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get double from py object
static void * castWrapperTo(PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper, const QByteArray &className, bool &ok)
cast wrapper to given className if possible
static void * handlePythonToQtAutoConversion(int typeId, PyObject *obj, void *alreadyAllocatedCPPObject, PythonQtArgumentFrame *frame)
handle automatic conversion of some special types (QColor, QBrush, ...)
static bool convertToPythonQtSafeObjectPtr(PyObject *obj, void *outPtr, int, bool)
static QVariant PyObjToQVariant(PyObject *val, int type=-1)
static PyObject * QVariantListToPyObject(const QVariantList &l)
static void * CreateQtReturnValue(const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo &info, PythonQtArgumentFrame *frame)
creates a data storage for the passed parameter type and returns a void pointer to be set as arg[0] o...
static PyObject * convertFromQListOfPythonQtObjectPtr(const void *inObject, int)
static PyObject * QVariantToPyObject(const QVariant &v)
convert QVariant from PyObject
static PyObject * QStringListToPyList(const QStringList &list)
converts QStringList to Python list
static PyObject * mapToPython(const Map &m)
helper template function for QVariantMapToPyObject/QVariantHashToPyObject
static QByteArray getCPPTypeName(PyObject *type)
Returns the name of the equivalent CPP type (for signals and slots)
static bool ConvertPythonListToQListOfPointerType(PyObject *obj, QList< void * > *list, const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo &info, bool strict)
tries to convert the python object to a QList of pointers to type objects, returns true on success
static int stringRefTypeId
static PyObject * convertFromStringRef(const void *inObject, int)
static PyObject * QVariantHashToPyObject(const QVariantHash &m)
static PyObject * QStringToPyObject(const QString &str)
converts QString to Python string (unicode!)
static QString PyObjGetString(PyObject *val)
get string value from py object
static PyObject * convertFromPythonQtObjectPtr(const void *inObject, int)
static QByteArray PyObjGetBytes(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get bytes from py object
static QString CPPObjectToString(int type, const void *data)
get human readable string from CPP object (when the metatype is known)
static bool PyObjGetBool(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get bool from py object
static QByteArray PyObjGetBytesAllowString(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get bytes from py object, also allows Python string
static QString PyObjGetString(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get string value from py object
static void pythonToMapVariant(PyObject *val, QVariant &result)
helper template method for conversion from Python to QVariantMap/Hash
static PyObject * QVariantMapToPyObject(const QVariantMap &m)
static PyObject * ConvertQtValueToPython(const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo &info, const void *data)
converts the Qt parameter given in data, interpreting it as a info parameter, into a Python object,
static PyObject * GetPyBool(bool val)
get a ref counted True or False Python object
static int PyObjGetInt(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
get int from py object
static PythonQtConvertPythonSequenceToQVariantListCB * _pythonSequenceToQVariantListCB
static QString PyObjGetRepresentation(PyObject *val)
get string representation of py object
static QHash< int, PythonQtConvertMetaTypeToPythonCB * > _metaTypeToPythonConverters
static void registerPythonToMetaTypeConverter(int metaTypeId, PythonQtConvertPythonToMetaTypeCB *cb)
register a converter callback from python to cpp for given metatype
static QStringList PyObjToStringList(PyObject *val, bool strict, bool &ok)
create a string list from python sequence
static PyObject * QStringListToPyObject(const QStringList &list)
converts QStringList to Python tuple
static void * ConvertPythonToQt(const PythonQtMethodInfo::ParameterInfo &info, PyObject *obj, bool strict, PythonQtClassInfo *classInfo, void *alreadyAllocatedCPPObject, PythonQtArgumentFrame *frame=nullptr)
convert python object to Qt (according to the given parameter) and if the conversion should be strict...
static void registerMetaTypeToPythonConverter(int metaTypeId, PythonQtConvertMetaTypeToPythonCB *cb)
register a converter callback from cpp to python for given metatype
static void registerStringViewTypes()
Register QStringView like types, that need to be handled specially.
static QByteArray getInnerTemplateTypeName(const QByteArray &typeName)
returns the inner type name of a simple template of the form SomeObject<InnerType>
static int getInnerTemplateMetaType(const QByteArray &typeName)
returns the inner type id of a simple template of the form SomeObject<InnerType>
static QByteArray getInnerListTypeName(const QByteArray &typeName)
returns the inner type name of a simple template or the typename without appended "List".
PyObject * wrapPtr(void *ptr, const QByteArray &name, bool passOwnership=false)
PythonQtClassInfo * getClassInfo(const QMetaObject *meta)
get the class info for a meta object (if available)
static PythonQtPrivate * priv()
get access to internal data (should not be used on the public API, but is used by some C functions)
Definition: PythonQt.h:557
QByteArray typeName(const QMetaMethod &method)
Definition: PythonQtUtils.h:72
a Python wrapper object for Qt objects and C++ objects (that are themselves wrapped by wrapper QObjec...
bool _ownedByPythonQt
flag that stores if the object is owned by pythonQt
stores various informations about a parameter/type name