82 (
>(object))->_wrapper = wrapper;
95 operator T()
const {
return _t; }
112 operator T()
const {
return _t; }
129 operator T()
const {
return _t; }
139 return ((
140 - (
151#define QStringToPythonConstCharPointer(arg) ((arg).toUtf8().constData())
152#define QStringToPythonCharPointer(arg) ((arg).toUtf8().data())
153#define QStringToPythonEncoding(arg) ((arg).toUtf8())
155#define QStringToPythonConstCharPointer(arg) ((arg).toLatin1().constData())
156#define QStringToPythonCharPointer(arg) ((arg).toLatin1().data())
157#define QStringToPythonEncoding(arg) ((arg).toLatin1())
178 IgnoreSiteModule = 2,
180 PythonAlreadyInitialized = 8
186 Type_Subtract = 1 << 1,
187 Type_Multiply = 1 << 2,
188 Type_Divide = 1 << 3,
193 Type_LShift = 1 << 8,
194 Type_RShift = 1 << 9,
196 Type_InplaceAdd = 1 << 10,
197 Type_InplaceSubtract = 1 << 11,
198 Type_InplaceMultiply = 1 << 12,
199 Type_InplaceDivide = 1 << 13,
200 Type_InplaceMod = 1 << 14,
201 Type_InplaceAnd = 1 << 15,
202 Type_InplaceOr = 1 << 16,
203 Type_InplaceXor = 1 << 17,
204 Type_InplaceLShift = 1 << 18,
205 Type_InplaceRShift = 1 << 19,
207 Type_Length = 1 << 20,
208 Type_MappingSetItem = 1 << 21,
209 Type_MappingGetItem = 1 << 22,
211 Type_EnterExit = 1 << 23,
213 Type_Invert = 1 << 29,
214 Type_RichCompare = 1 << 30,
215 Type_NonZero = 1 << 31,
236 static void init(
int flags = IgnoreSiteModule | RedirectStdOut,
const QByteArray& pythonQtModuleName = QByteArray());
342 bool addParentClass(
const char* typeName,
const char* parentTypeName,
int upcastingOffset=0);
442 QVariant
const QString& callable,
const QVariantList& args = QVariantList(),
const QVariantMap& kwargs = QVariantMap());
445 QVariant
PyObject* callable,
const QVariantList& args = QVariantList(),
const QVariantMap& kwargs = QVariantMap());
630 void initPythonQtModule(
bool redirectStdOut,
const QByteArray& pythonQtModuleName);
632 QString getReturnTypeOfWrappedMethodHelper(
const PythonQtObjectPtr& variableObject,
const QString& methodName,
const QString& context);
634 PyObject* getObjectByType(
const QString& typeName);
637 static void stdOutRedirectCB(
const QString& str);
639 static void stdErrRedirectCB(
const QString& str);
644 PythonQt(
int flags,
const QByteArray& pythonQtModuleName);
647 static int _uniqueModuleCount;
667 ConstructorDecorator = 2,
668 DestructorDecorator = 4,
669 InstanceDecorator = 8,
670 AllDecorators = 0xffff
705 bool addParentClass(
const char* typeName,
const char* parentTypeName,
int upcastingOffset);
818 void setupSharedLibrarySuffixes();
824 PyObject* packageByName(
const char* name);
830 QHash<void* , PythonQtInstanceWrapper *> _wrappedObjects;
833 QHash<QByteArray, PythonQtClassInfo *> _knownClassInfos;
836 QHash<QByteArray, bool> _knownQObjectClassNames;
839 QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> _knownLazyClasses;
842 QHash<QObject* , PythonQtSignalReceiver *> _signalReceivers;
848 QByteArray _pythonQtModuleName;
860 QStringList _importIgnorePaths;
861 QStringList _sharedLibrarySuffixes;
871 QList<PythonQtCppWrapperFactory*> _cppWrapperFactories;
873 QList<PythonQtForeignWrapperFactory*> _foreignWrapperFactories;
875 QHash<QByteArray, PyObject*> _packages;
885 int _PythonQtObjectPtr_metaId;
886 int _PythonQtSafeObjectPtr_metaId;
889 bool _systemExitExceptionHandlerEnabled;
QString PythonQtInputChangedCB(void *callData)
declares the callback that is called from the write() function
int PythonQtUpcastingOffset()
returns the offset that needs to be added to upcast an object of type T1 to T2
QObject * PythonQtCreateObject()
helper template to create a derived QObject class
void PythonQtQObjectWrappedCB(QObject *object)
void PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB(void *object, PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper)
void * PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB(const void *ptr, const char **class_name)
void PythonQtVoidPtrCB(void *object)
QString PythonQtQObjectMissingAttributeCB(QObject *object, const QString &attribute)
void PythonQtQObjectNoLongerWrappedCB(QObject *object)
void PythonQtSetInstanceWrapperOnShell(void *object, PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper)
QObject * PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB()
callback to create a QObject lazily
a class that stores all required information about a Qt object (and an optional associated C++ class ...
Some methods to set properties of PythonQt from Python.
Factory interface for C++ classes that can be wrapped by QObject objects.
Some helper methods that allow testing of the ownership.
stores information about a specific signal/slot/method
PythonQtNewOwnerOfThis(const T &t)
Allow conversion from T to PythonQtNewOwnerOfThis<T>
a smart pointer that stores a PyObject pointer and that handles reference counting automatically
PythonQtPassOwnershipToCPP(const T &t)
Allow conversion from T to PythonQtPassOwnershipToCPP<T>
PythonQtPassOwnershipToPython(const T &t)
Allow conversion from T to PythonQtPassOwnershipToPython<T>
internal PythonQt details
void * unwrapForeignWrapper(const QByteArray &classname, PyObject *obj)
try to unwrap the given object to a C++ pointer using the foreign wrapper factories
void handleVirtualOverloadReturnError(const char *signature, const PythonQtMethodInfo *methodInfo, PyObject *result)
called by virtual overloads when a python return value can not be converted to the required Qt type
static PyObject * wrapMemoryAsBuffer(const void *data, Py_ssize_t size)
create a read-only buffer object from the given memory
void registerClass(const QMetaObject *metaobject, const char *package=nullptr, PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB *wrapperCreator=nullptr, PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB *shell=nullptr, PyObject *module=nullptr, int typeSlots=0)
registers a QObject derived class to PythonQt (this is implicitly called by addObject as well)
const QMetaObject * setupDynamicMetaObjectChain(PythonQtClassWrapper *type, const QMetaObject *prototypeMetaObject)
recursively creates the dynamic meta object chain down to the Qt class wrapper.
PythonQtClassWrapper * createNewPythonQtClassWrapper(PythonQtClassInfo *info, PyObject *module, const QByteArray &pythonClassName)
helper method that creates a PythonQtClassWrapper object (returns a new reference)
void registerQObjectClassNames(const QStringList &names)
const QStringList & sharedLibrarySuffixes()
get the suffixes that are used for shared libraries
void removeWrapperPointer(void *obj)
remove the wrapper ptr again
void setTaskDoneCallback(const PythonQtObjectPtr &callable)
int handleMetaCall(QObject *object, PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper, QMetaObject::Call call, int id, void **args)
redirected from shell classes, tries to call the given meta call on the Python wrapper.
PyObject * wrapQObject(QObject *obj)
wrap the given QObject into a Python object (or return existing wrapper!)
void addPolymorphicHandler(const char *typeName, PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB *cb)
add a handler for polymorphic downcasting
static PyObject * createNewPythonQtEnumWrapper(const char *enumName, PyObject *parentObject)
helper that creates a new int derived class that represents the enum of the given name (returns a new...
bool isMethodDescriptor(PyObject *object) const
returns true if the object is a method descriptor (same as inspect.ismethoddescriptor() in inspect....
void registerCPPClass(const char *typeName, const char *parentTypeName=nullptr, const char *package=nullptr, PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB *wrapperCreator=nullptr, PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB *shell=nullptr, PyObject *module=nullptr, int typeSlots=0)
static PyObject * wrapMemoryAsBuffer(void *data, Py_ssize_t size)
create a read-write buffer object from the given memory
bool addParentClass(const char *typeName, const char *parentTypeName, int upcastingOffset)
add parent class relation
PythonQtObjectPtr pythonQtModule() const
get access to the PythonQt module
bool isPythonQtSafeObjectPtrMetaId(int id)
returns if the id is the id for PythonQtSafeObjectPtr
PythonQtClassInfo * currentClassInfoForClassWrapperCreation()
get the current class info (for the next PythonQtClassWrapper that is created) and reset it to NULL a...
QString getSignature(PyObject *object)
determines the signature of the given callable object (similar as pydoc)
PythonQtObjectPtr checkAndRunCoroutine(const PythonQtObjectPtr &object)
Runs the given coroutine (via asyncio), returns a scheduled task if it object is a coroutine.
bool isPythonQtObjectPtrMetaId(int id)
returns if the id is the id for PythonQtObjectPtr
PythonQtClassInfo * lookupClassInfoAndCreateIfNotPresent(const char *typeName)
lookup existing classinfo and return new if not yet present
PythonQtObjectPtr createModule(const QString &name, PyObject *pycode)
creates the new module from the given pycode
void callMethodInPython(QMetaMethod &method, PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper, void **args)
calls the given method on Python function with same name.
bool isPythonQtAnyObjectPtrMetaId(int id)
returns if the id is either PythonQtObjectPtr or PythonQtSafeObjectPtr
const QMetaObject * buildDynamicMetaObject(PythonQtClassWrapper *type, const QMetaObject *prototypeMetaObject)
builds and returns the dynamic meta object for the given type, derived from prototypeMetaObject.
void registerLazyClass(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &moduleToImport)
const QMetaObject * getDynamicMetaObject(PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper, const QMetaObject *prototypeMetaObject)
get the dynamic meta object for the given wrapper. It will contain the signals/slots that have been a...
static PyObject * createEnumValueInstance(PyObject *enumType, unsigned int enumValue)
create a new instance of the given enum type with given value (returns a new reference)
static PyObject * dummyTuple()
the dummy tuple (which is empty and may be used to detected that a wrapper is called from internal wr...
PyObject * wrapPtr(void *ptr, const QByteArray &name, bool passOwnership=false)
void addWrapperPointer(void *obj, PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper)
add the wrapper pointer (for reuse if the same obj appears while wrapper still exists)
PythonQtClassInfo * getClassInfo(const QMetaObject *meta)
get the class info for a meta object (if available)
void shellClassDeleted(void *shellClass)
called by destructor of shells to allow invalidation of the Python wrapper
void registerGlobalNamespace(const char *typeName, const char *package, PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB *wrapperCreator, const QMetaObject &metaObject, PyObject *module=nullptr)
Same as above, but all enums of the created wrapper will also be added to the given package and to th...
PythonQtObjectPtr createAsyncioFuture()
Creates a new asyncio.Future object.
void removeSignalEmitter(QObject *obj)
called when a signal emitting QObject is destroyed to remove the signal handler from the hash map
void addDecorators(QObject *o, int decoTypes)
add a decorator object
~PythonQtPrivate() override
PythonQtClassInfo * getClassInfo(const QByteArray &className)
get the class info for a meta object (if available)
PythonQtInstanceWrapper * createNewPythonQtInstanceWrapper(QObject *obj, PythonQtClassInfo *info, void *wrappedPtr=nullptr)
helper method that creates a PythonQtInstanceWrapper object and registers it in the object map
PythonQt::ProfilingCB * profilingCB() const
returns the profiling callback, which may be NULL
default importer implementation using QFile to load python code
receives all signals for one QObject
The main interface to the Python Qt binding, realized as a singleton.
QVariant call(PyObject *object, const QString &callable, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList(), const QVariantMap &kwargs=QVariantMap())
call the given python callable in the scope of object, returns the result converted to a QVariant
PythonQtObjectPtr lookupCallable(PyObject *object, const QString &name)
static QString qObjectMissingAttributeCallback(QObject *o, const QString &attribute)
call the callback if it is set
void systemExitExceptionRaised(int exitCode)
void evalFile(PyObject *object, const QString &filename)
evaluates the given script code from file
void addInstanceDecorators(QObject *o)
bool removeSignalHandler(QObject *obj, const char *signal, PyObject *receiver)
remove a signal handler from the given signal of obj
PythonQtObjectPtr createModuleFromFile(const QString &name, const QString &filename)
void setQObjectMissingAttributeCallback(PythonQtQObjectMissingAttributeCB *cb)
set a callback that is called when a QObject does not have a specific attribute.
void setSystemExitExceptionHandlerEnabled(bool value)
void addClassDecorators(QObject *o)
PythonQtObjectPtr importModule(const QString &name)
flags that can be passed to PythonQt::init()
QString getReturnTypeOfWrappedMethod(const QString &typeName, const QString &methodName)
returns the return type of the method methodName of a wrapped c++ type referenced by typeName
static void init(int flags=IgnoreSiteModule|RedirectStdOut, const QByteArray &pythonQtModuleName=QByteArray())
defines the object types for introspection
enum for profiling callback
static void cleanup()
cleanup of the singleton
static void setEnableThreadSupport(bool flag)
void registerCPPClass(const char *typeName, const char *parentTypeName=nullptr, const char *package=nullptr, PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB *wrapperCreator=nullptr, PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB *shell=nullptr)
void addSysPath(const QString &path)
prepend a path to sys.path to allow importing from it
flags that tell PythonQt which operators to expect on the registered type
bool addParentClass(const char *typeName, const char *parentTypeName, int upcastingOffset=0)
bool hadError() const
return true if handleError() has been called and an error occurred.
void registerQObjectClassNames(const QStringList &names)
void addWrapperFactory(PythonQtCppWrapperFactory *factory)
add the given factory to PythonQt (ownership stays with caller)
PythonQtObjectPtr parseFile(const QString &filename)
parses the given file (using PythonQt's own import mechanism) and returns the python code object,...
void registerClass(const QMetaObject *metaobject, const char *package=nullptr, PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB *wrapperCreator=nullptr, PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB *shell=nullptr)
registers a QObject derived class to PythonQt (this is implicitly called by addObject as well)
void setRedirectStdInCallbackEnabled(bool enabled)
void removeVariable(PyObject *module, const QString &name)
remove the given variable
void removeWrapperFactory(PythonQtCppWrapperFactory *factory)
remove the wrapper factory
bool addSignalHandler(QObject *obj, const char *signal, PyObject *receiver)
add a signal handler to the given signal of obj and connect it to a callable receiver
QVariant getNativeVariable(PyObject *object, const QString &name)
get the variable with the name of the object as QVariant of type PythonQtObjectPtr,...
QVariant evalScript(const QString &script, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals, int start)
evaluates the given script code in context of given globals and locals and returns the result value
QVariant evalCode(PyObject *object, PyObject *pycode)
QVariant evalScript(PyObject *object, const QString &script, int start=Py_file_input)
evaluates the given script code and returns the result value
static void qObjectNoLongerWrappedCB(QObject *o)
call the callback if it is set
void setRedirectStdInCallback(PythonQtInputChangedCB *callback, void *callbackData=nullptr)
const QStringList & getImporterIgnorePaths()
get paths that the importer should ignore
void setImporter(PythonQtImportFileInterface *importInterface)
PythonQtObjectPtr createModuleFromScript(const QString &name, const QString &script=QString())
QStringList introspection(PyObject *object, const QString &objectname, ObjectType type)
read vars etc. in scope of an object, optional looking inside of an object objectname
void addObject(PyObject *object, const QString &name, QObject *qObject)
add the given qObject to the python object as a variable with name (it can be removed via clearVariab...
void pythonStdErr(const QString &str)
emitted when python outputs something to stderr (and redirection is turned on)
void installDefaultImporter()
void addPolymorphicHandler(const char *typeName, PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB *cb)
add a handler for polymorphic downcasting
PyObject * helpCalled(PythonQtClassInfo *info)
called by internal help methods
void setModuleImportPath(PyObject *module, const QStringList &paths)
sets the path list of a module to the given list (important for local imports)
void removeSignalHandlers()
globally removes all signal handlers (connections between QObjects and Python).
void addVariable(PyObject *object, const QString &name, const QVariant &v)
add the given variable to the object
PythonQtObjectPtr getMainModule()
get the main module of python
void addDecorators(QObject *o)
this will add the object both as class and instance decorator (ownership is passed to PythonQt)
void setQObjectWrappedCallback(PythonQtQObjectWrappedCB *cb)
set a callback that is called when a QObject with parent == NULL is wrapped by PythonQt
QVariant call(PyObject *callable, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList(), const QVariantMap &kwargs=QVariantMap())
call the given python object, returns the result converted to a QVariant
bool systemExitExceptionHandlerEnabled() const
void addWrapperFactory(PythonQtForeignWrapperFactory *factory)
add the given factory to PythonQt (ownership stays with caller)
QVariant getVariable(PyObject *object, const QString &name)
get the variable with the name of the object, returns an invalid QVariant on error
void removeWrapperFactory(PythonQtForeignWrapperFactory *factory)
remove the wrapper factory
static PythonQtPrivate * priv()
get access to internal data (should not be used on the public API, but is used by some C functions)
PythonQtObjectPtr lookupObject(PyObject *module, const QString &name)
void setImporterIgnorePaths(const QStringList &paths)
set paths that the importer should ignore
void pythonHelpRequest(const QByteArray &cppClassName)
emitted when help() is called on a PythonQt object and ExternalHelp is enabled
bool removeSignalHandler(QObject *obj, const char *signal, PyObject *module, const QString &objectname)
remove a signal handler from the given signal of obj
PyObject * callAndReturnPyObject(PyObject *callable, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList(), const QVariantMap &kwargs=QVariantMap())
call the given python object, returns the result as new PyObject
QString getReturnTypeOfWrappedMethod(PyObject *module, const QString &objectname)
returns the return type of the method of a wrapped c++ object referenced by objectname
bool addSignalHandler(QObject *obj, const char *signal, PyObject *module, const QString &objectname)
add a signal handler to the given signal of obj and connect it to a callable objectname in module
void setQObjectNoLongerWrappedCallback(PythonQtQObjectNoLongerWrappedCB *cb)
set a callback that is called when a QObject with parent == NULL is no longer wrapped by PythonQt
static PythonQtImportFileInterface * importInterface()
get access to the file importer (if set)
PythonQtObjectPtr parseFileWithPythonLoaders(const QString &filename)
void pythonStdOut(const QString &str)
emitted when python outputs something to stdout (and redirection is turned on)
void overwriteSysPath(const QStringList &paths)
overwrite the python sys path (call this directly after PythonQt::init() if you want to change the st...
void ProfilingCB(ProfilingCallbackState state, const char *className, const char *methodName, PyObject *args)
static PythonQt * self()
get the singleton instance
QStringList introspectObject(PyObject *object, ObjectType type)
read vars etc. in scope of the given object
void clearNotFoundCachedMembers()
bool handleError(bool printStack=true)
PythonQtObjectPtr createUniqueModule()
QStringList introspectType(const QString &typeName, ObjectType type)
void setProfilingCallback(ProfilingCB *cb)
sets a callback that is called before and after function calls for profiling
a Python wrapper object for Qt objects and C++ objects (that are themselves wrapped by wrapper QObjec...