156 void*
void* ptr,
const char* classname);
187 _shellSetInstanceWrapperCB = cb;
192 return _shellSetInstanceWrapperCB;
248 void updateRefCountingCBs();
250 void createEnumWrappers(
const QObject* decoratorProvider);
251 void createEnumWrappers(
const QMetaObject* meta);
252 PyObject* findEnumWrapper(
const char* name);
255 void clearCachedMembers();
257 void* recursiveCastDownIfPossible(
void* ptr,
const char** resultClassName);
259 PythonQtSlotInfo* findDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(
const char* memberName,
PythonQtSlotInfo* inputInfo,
bool &found, QHash<QByteArray, PythonQtMemberInfo>& memberCache,
int upcastingOffset);
260 void listDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(QStringList& list,
bool metaOnly);
261 PythonQtSlotInfo* recursiveFindDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(
const char* memberName,
PythonQtSlotInfo* inputInfo,
bool &found, QHash<QByteArray, PythonQtMemberInfo>& memberCache,
int upcastingOffset);
263 void recursiveCollectClassInfos(QList<PythonQtClassInfo*>& classInfoObjects);
264 void recursiveCollectDecoratorObjects(QList<QObject*>& decoratorObjects);
266 bool lookForPropertyAndCache(
const char* memberName);
267 bool lookForMethodAndCache(
const char* memberName);
268 bool lookForEnumAndCache(
const QMetaObject* m,
const char* memberName);
270 PythonQtSlotInfo* findDecoratorSlots(
const char* memberName,
PythonQtSlotInfo* tail,
bool &found, QHash<QByteArray, PythonQtMemberInfo>& memberCache,
int upcastingOffset);
271 int findCharOffset(
const char* sigStart,
char someChar);
273 QHash<QByteArray, PythonQtMemberInfo> _cachedMembers;
281 QList<PythonQtSlotInfo*> _decoratorSlots;
283 QList<PythonQtObjectPtr> _enumWrappers;
285 const QMetaObject* _meta;
287 QByteArray _wrappedClassName;
288 QList<ParentClassInfo> _parentClasses;
290 QList<PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB*> _polymorphicHandlers;
292 QList<PythonQtClassInfo*> _nestedClasses;
294 QObject* _decoratorProvider;
306 bool _richCompareDetectionDone;
307 bool _searchPolymorphicHandlerOnParent;
308 bool _searchRefCountCB;
310 static QList<PythonQtClassInfo*> _globalNamespaceWrappers;
312 static QSet<QByteArray> _reservedNames;
void PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB(void *object, PythonQtInstanceWrapper *wrapper)
void * PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB(const void *ptr, const char **class_name)
void PythonQtVoidPtrCB(void *object)
QObject * PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB()
callback to create a QObject lazily
a class that stores all required information about a Qt object (and an optional associated C++ class ...
void setShellSetInstanceWrapperCB(PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB *cb)
set the shell set instance wrapper cb
void setReferenceCounting(PythonQtVoidPtrCB *refCB, PythonQtVoidPtrCB *unrefCB)
Sets reference counting callbacks for this class and all its subclasses.
const QMetaObject * metaObject()
get the meta object
bool supportsRichCompare()
void addNestedClass(PythonQtClassInfo *info)
add a nested class, so that it can be shown as outer class member
bool isCPPWrapper()
returns if the class is a CPP wrapper
bool inherits(const char *classname)
returns if this class inherits from the given classname
void addDecoratorSlot(PythonQtSlotInfo *info)
add a decorator slot, ownership is passed to classinfo
void clearNotFoundCachedMembers()
clear all members that where cached as "NotFound"
QStringList memberList()
get list of all members (excluding properties, which can be listed with propertyList())
PythonQtSlotInfo * destructor()
get access to the destructor slot
void setDecoratorProvider(PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB *cb)
set an additional decorator provider that offers additional decorator slots for this class
const QList< PythonQtClassInfo * > & nestedClasses()
get nested classes
int typeSlots() const
get the type capabilities
int metaTypeId()
get the meta type id of this class (only valid for isCPPWrapper() == true)
void addParentClass(const ParentClassInfo &info)
add the parent class info of a CPP object
QString help()
get help string for the metaobject
void addPolymorphicHandler(PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB *cb)
add a handler for polymorphic downcasting
void * castTo(void *ptr, const char *classname)
PyObject * getPythonTypeForProperty(const QString &name)
static QByteArray escapeReservedNames(const QByteArray &name)
bool isQObject()
returns if the QObject
bool inherits(PythonQtClassInfo *info)
returns if this class inherits from the given classinfo
PythonQtVoidPtrCB * referenceCountingRefCB()
Returns the ref counting CB, if there is any.
PythonQtSlotInfo * getCopyConstructor()
Get the copy constructor for this class.
PythonQtShellSetInstanceWrapperCB * shellSetInstanceWrapperCB()
get the shell set instance wrapper cb
QStringList propertyList()
get list of all properties (on QObjects only, otherwise the list is empty)
void setupCPPObject(const QByteArray &classname)
setup as a CPP (non-QObject), taking the classname
PythonQtClassInfo * getClassInfoForProperty(const QString &name)
Returns the class info for given property, if available.
void setDestructor(PythonQtSlotInfo *info)
set a destructor, ownership is passed to classinfo
PythonQtMemberInfo member(const char *member)
get the Python method definition for a given slot name (without return type and signature)
void addConstructor(PythonQtSlotInfo *info)
add a constructor, ownership is passed to classinfo
PyObject * pythonQtClassWrapper()
get the associated PythonQtClassWrapper (which handles instance creation of this type)
void * castDownIfPossible(void *ptr, PythonQtClassInfo **resultClassInfo)
cast the pointer down in the class hierarchy if a polymorphic handler allows to do that
PyObject * copyObject(void *cppObject)
void setMetaObject(const QMetaObject *meta)
set the meta object, this will reset the caching
QByteArray unscopedClassName() const
get the unscoped classname (without ParentClass::) for nested classes
PythonQtVoidPtrCB * referenceCountingUnrefCB()
Returns the unref counting CB, if there is any.
void setTypeSlots(int typeSlots)
set the type capabilities
PythonQtSlotInfo * constructors()
get access to the constructor slot (which may be overloaded if there are multiple constructors)
void setPythonQtClassWrapper(PyObject *obj)
set the associated PythonQtClassWrapper (which handles instance creation of this type)
void setupQObject(const QMetaObject *meta)
setup as a QObject, taking the meta object as meta information about the QObject
const QByteArray & className() const
get the classname (either of the QObject or of the wrapped CPP object)
static void addGlobalNamespaceWrapper(PythonQtClassInfo *namespaceWrapper)
Add a wrapper that contains global enums.
static PyObject * findEnumWrapper(const QByteArray &name, PythonQtClassInfo *localScope, bool *isLocalEnum=nullptr)
returns if the localScope has an enum of that type name or if the enum contains a :: scope,...
QObject * decorator()
get the decorator qobject instance
a smart pointer that stores a PyObject pointer and that handles reference counting automatically
stores information about a slot, including a next pointer to overloaded slots
store information about parent classes
ParentClassInfo(PythonQtClassInfo *parent, int upcastingOffset=0)
PythonQtClassInfo * _parent
const QMetaObject * _dynamicMetaObject
PythonQtClassInfo * _classInfo
PythonQtObjectPtr _enumValue
PythonQtMemberInfo(const QMetaProperty &prop)
PythonQtMemberInfo(const PythonQtObjectPtr &enumValue)
PythonQtMemberInfo(PythonQtSlotInfo *info)