Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CPythonQtThe main interface to the Python Qt binding, realized as a singleton
 CPythonQtArgumentFrameStores C++ arguments for a qt_metacall (which are created when converting data from Python to C++)
 CPythonQtBoolResultObjectDefines a python object that stores a single bool
 CPythonQtClassInfoClass that stores all required information about a Qt object (and an optional associated C++ class name)
 CParentClassInfoStore information about parent classes
 CPythonQtConfigAPISome methods to set properties of PythonQt from Python
 CPythonQtConvStatic class that offers methods for type conversion
 CPythonQtCppWrapperFactoryFactory interface for C++ classes that can be wrapped by QObject objects
 CPythonQtDebugAPISome helper methods that allow testing of the ownership
 CPythonQtImportImplements importing of python files into PythonQt
 CPythonQtImporterDefines a python object that stores a Qt slot info
 CPythonQtInstanceWrapperPython wrapper object for Qt objects and C++ objects (that are themselves wrapped by wrapper QObjects)
 CPythonQtMethodInfoStores information about a specific signal/slot/method
 CParameterInfoStores various informations about a parameter/type name
 CPythonQtObjectPtrSmart pointer that stores a PyObject pointer and that handles reference counting automatically
 CPythonQtPrivateInternal PythonQt details
 CPythonQtQFileImporterDefault importer implementation using QFile to load python code
 CPythonQtSafeObjectPtrSmart pointer that stores a PyObject pointer and that handles reference counting automatically
 CPythonQtSignalFunctionObjectDefines a python object that stores a Qt signal info
 CPythonQtSignalReceiverReceives all signals for one QObject
 CPythonQtSignalReceiverBaseBase class for signal receivers
 CPythonQtSignalTargetStores information about a signal target
 CPythonQtSlotFunctionObjectDefines a python object that stores a Qt slot info
 CPythonQtSlotInfoStores information about a slot, including a next pointer to overloaded slots
 CPythonQtStdInRedirectDeclares the stdin redirection class
 CPythonQtStdOutRedirectDeclares the stdout redirection class