Beginner Tutorial Visualization 2D

Example 1: Synchronous view of two images


In this example we like to use the module SynchroView2D to be able to inspect two different images simultaneously.

The module SynchroView2D provides two 2D viewers that are synchronized.

As in Tutorial Chapter 1 - Basic Mechanics of MeVisLab, the processed and the unprocessed image can be displayed simultaneously. Scrolling through one image automatically changes the slices of both viewers, so slices with the same slice number are shown in both images.

The difference is that we are now using an already existing module named SynchroView2D.

Steps to do

Develop your network

Start the example by adding the module LocalImage to your workspace to load the example image Tumor1_Head_t1.small.tif. Next, add and connect the following modules as shown.


SynchroView2D Viewer


  • Multiple images can be synchronized by the SynchroView2D module