Advanced Tutorial PyTorch AI



PyTorch is a machine learning framework based on the Torch library, used for applications such as Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, originally developed by Meta AI and now part of the Linux Foundation umbrella.

A lot of AI frameworks can be used within MeVisLab. We currently do not provide a preintegrated AI framework though as we try to avoid compatibility issues, and AI frameworks are very fast-moving by nature.

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Available Tutorials

Install PyTorch by using the PythonPip module

The first example shows how to install torch and torchvision by using the MeVisLab module PythonPip. This module can be used to install Python packages not integrated into MeVisLab.

Use trained PyTorch networks in MeVisLab

In this example, we are using a pre-trained network from torch.hub to generate an AI based image overlay of a brain parcellation map.

Segment persons in webcam videos

The second tutorial adapts the Example 2: Face Detection with OpenCV to segment a person shown in a webcam stream. The network has been taken from torchvision.