Advanced Tutorial

MeVisLab Tutorial Chapter VII


This chapter will summarize all previous chapters and you will develop a whole application in MeVisLab. The complete workflow from developing a prototype to delivering your final application to your customer is explained step-by-step.

Prototype to Product

Prototype to Product


Step 1: Develop your network

In the first step, you are developing an application based on the following requirements:

  • Requirement 1: The application shall be able to load DICOM data.
  • Requirement 2: The application shall provide a 2D and a 3D viewer.
  • Requirement 3: The 2D viewer shall display the loaded images
  • Requirement 4: The 2D viewer shall provide the possibility to segment parts of the image based on a RegionGrowing algorithm
    • Requirement 4.1: It shall be possible to click into the image for defining a marker position for starting the RegionGrowing
    • Requirement 4.2: It shall be possible to define a threshold for the RegionGrowing algorithm
  • Requirement 5: The 2D viewer shall display the segmentation results as a semi-transparent overlay
    • Requirement 5.1: It shall be possible to define the color of the overlay
  • Requirement 6: The 3D viewer shall visualize the loaded data in a 3-dimensional volume rendering
  • Requirement 7: The 3D viewer shall additionally show the segmentation result as a 3-dimensional mesh
  • Requirement 8: The total volume of the segmented area shall be calculated and shown (in ml)
  • Requirement 9: It shall be possible to toggle the visible 3D objects
    • Requirement 9.1: Original data
    • Requirement 9.2: Segmentation results
    • Requirement 9.3: All

Step 2: Create your macro module

Your network will be encapsulated in a macro module for later application development. For details about macro modules, see Example 2.2: Global macro modules.

Step 3: Develop a User Interface and add Python Scripting

Develop the UI and Python Scripts based on your requirements from Step 1. The resulting UI will look like below mockup:

User Interface Design

User Interface Design


Step 4: Write automated tests for your macro module

Test your macro module in MeVisLab. Your requirements from Step 1 are translated into test cases written in Python. The fields accessible via Python as defined in Step 2 shall be used to test your application.

Step 5: Create an installable executable

Create a standalone application by using the MeVisLab ApplicationBuilder and install the application on another system.


Step 6: Update your network and macro module

Integrate feedback from customers having installed your executable and adapt your test cases from Step 4.

Step 7: Update your installable executable

Re-build your executable and release a new version of your application.

The above loop can easily be repeated until your product completely fulfills your defined requirements.