Beginner Tutorial Data Objects 2D Contours CSO

Contour Example 5: Visualizing Contours and Images


In this example, we like to automatically create CSOs based on a predefined iso value.

Steps to do

Develop your network

Add the following modules to your workspace and connect them as shown. Load the example image Bone.tiff.

Automatic creation of CSOs based on the iso value

Now, open the panel of CSOIsoGenerator to set the Iso Value to 1200. If you press Update in the panel, you can see the creation of CSOs on every slide, when opening the module View2D. In addition to that the number of CSOs is displayed in the CSOManager. The module CSOIsoGenerator generates iso-contours for each slice at a fixed iso value. This means that closed CSOs are formed based on the detection of the voxel value of 1200 on every slice.

Data Objects Contours Example 5

Data Objects Contours Example 5


Now, we like to make CSOs of previous and subsequent slices visible (Ghosting). In order to do that, open the panel of SoCSOVisualizationSettings and open the tab Misc. Increase the parameter Ghosting depth in voxel, which shows you the number of slices above and below the current slice, which CSOs are also seen in the viewer. The result can be seen in the viewer.



Display created CSOs

At last, we like to make all CSOs visible in a 3D viewer. To do that, add the modules SoCSO3DRenderer and SoExaminerViewer to your network and connect them as shown. In the viewer SoExaminerViewer you can see all CSOs together. In this case all scanned bones can be seen.

CSOs in 3D View

CSOs in 3D View


  • CSOIsoGenerator enables automatic COS generation based on an iso value
  • Ghosting allows to display CSOs of previous and following slices