Advanced Tutorial Macro Macro modules Global Macro Python Scripting

Example 2.5.2: Module interactions via Python scripting


In this example, you will learn how to add Python scripting to your User Interface. The network used in Chapter V will be used for creating the macro module.

Steps to do

Creating the macro module

First, we condense the example network into a macro module and then we create a panel for that module. To create a macro module use the Project Wizard, which you find under [ File → Run Project Wizard ]. Select Macro module and press Run.

Now, you have to edit:

  1. Name: The name of your module
  2. Package: Select the package you like to save the macro module in.
  3. Directory Structure: Change to Self-contained
  4. Project: Select you project name

Press Next and edit the following:

  1. Copy existing network: Select the example network
  2. Check the box: Add Python file

Now, create your macro module and reload MeVisLab. You can find your module via search in MeVisLab.

Creating macro module

Creating macro module

Enable Python scripting

Enable Python scripting

To design a panel and create a user interface for the macro module, open the *.script file. You can see, that a Command environment exist, which defines the python file as source for all commands.

Open the script file

Open the script file

Script file

Script file

Creating a panel with tabs and viewers

At first, we create a Window with two Tabs . One Main tab, in which both viewers of the network are represented and one tab for Settings. For generating tabs, we can use the control TabView , with its items TabViewItem . The control TabView enables to add a command, which is executed when opening the tab. For adding the viewers to the panel, we use the Control Viewer.


Window {
    TabView {
        TabViewItem Main {
            Horizontal {
                Viewer View2D.self {
                    type = SoRenderArea
                    pw = 400
                    ph = 400
                Viewer SoExaminerViewer.self {
                    type = SoExaminerViewer
                    pw = 400
                    ph = 400
        TabViewItem Settings {

Panel with Tabs and Viewers

Panel with Tabs and Viewers

Edit viewer settings in the panel

You may want to change the design setting of the right viewer. This is still possible via the internal network of the macro module. Open the internal network either via the context menu or using the middle mouse button Middle Mouse Button / Mouse Wheel and click on the module. After that, open the Automatic Panel of the module SoExaminerViewer via context menu [ Show Windows → Automatic Panel ] and change the field decoration to False. Keep in mind, as we did not create CSOs by now, the right viewer stays black.

Change viewer settings

Change viewer settings

Changed viewer settings

Changed viewer settings

Selection of images

Next, we like to add the option to browse through the folders and select the image, we like to create CSOs from. This functionality is already given in the internal network in the module LocalImage. We can copy this functionality from LocalImage and add this option to the panel above both viewers. But, how should we know, which field name we reference to? To find this out, open the internal network of your macro module. Now you are able to open the panel of the module LocalImage. Right-click Right Mouse Button the desired field: In this case, right-click the label Name:. Select Copy Name, to copy the internal name of this field.

Copy the field name

Copy the field name

Now, you can add this field as a new field to your window by pasting the name. All field settings are taken over from the internal field from the module LocalImage.


Window {
    TabView {
        TabViewItem Main {
            Vertical {
                Field {}
                Horizontal {
                    Viewer View2D.self {
                        type = SoRenderArea
                        pw = 400
                        ph = 400
                    Viewer SoExaminerViewer.self {
                        type = SoExaminerViewer
                        pw = 400
                        ph = 400
        TabViewItem Settings {

Add name field

Add name field

Add buttons to your panel

As a next step, we like to add a Browse...-Button, like in the module LocalImage, and also a button to create the CSOs.

To create the Browse...-Button:

  1. Create a button containing the command fileDialog.
  2. Right-click Right Mouse Button the command to create the respective function in the Python file.
  3. Edit the function in the Python file, to enable the file dialog (similar function as in

To create the Iso Generator Button:

We like to copy the field of the Update-Button from the internal module IsoCSOGenerator, but not its layout so:

  1. Create a new Field in the interface, called IsoGenerator, which contains the internal field Update from the module IsoCSOGenerator.
  2. Create a new Button in your Window which uses the field IsoGenerator.

After these steps, you can use the Iso Generator button to create CSOs.


Interface {
    Inputs {}
    Outputs {}
    Parameters {
        Field IsoGenerator {
            internalName = CSOIsoGenerator.apply

Commands {
    source = $(LOCAL)/

Window {
    TabView {
        TabViewItem Main {
            Vertical {
                Horizontal {
                    Field {}
                    Button {
                        title = "Browse..."
                        command = fileDialog
                    Button IsoGenerator {
                        title = "Iso Generator"
                Horizontal {
                    Viewer View2D.self {
                        type = SoRenderArea
                        pw = 400
                        ph = 400
                    Viewer SoExaminerViewer.self {
                        type = SoExaminerViewer
                        pw = 400
                        ph = 400
        TabViewItem Settings {

from mevis import *

def fileDialog():
    exp = ctx.expandFilename(ctx.field("").stringValue())
    filename = MLABFileDialog.getOpenFileName(exp, "", "Open file")
    if filename:
        ctx.field("").value = ctx.unexpandFilename(filename)

Automatically generate CSOs based on Iso value

Automatically generate CSOs based on Iso value

Colorizing CSOs

We like to colorize the CSO we hover over with our mouse in the 2D viewer. Additionally, when clicking a CSO with the left mouse key Left Mouse Button , this CSO shall be colorized in the 3D viewer. This functionality can be implemented via Python scripting (even though MeVisLab has a build-in function to do that). We can do this in the following way:

  1. Enable the View Scripting Assistant, which translates actions into Python code.

    Scripting Assistant

    Scripting Assistant

  2. Enable a functionality which allows us to notice the id of the CSO we are currently hovering over with our mouse. For this open the internal network of our macro module. We will use the module SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor. Open its panel and select the tab Advanced. You can check a box to enable Update CSO id under mouse. If you now hover over a CSO, you can see its id in the panel. We can save the internal network to save this functionality, but we can also solve our problem via scripting. The Scripting Assistant translated our action into code, which we can use.

    Enabling CSO id identification

    Enabling CSO id identification

    We like to activate this functionality when opening the panel of our macro module IsoCSOs. Thus, we add a starting command to the control Window. We can call this command for example enableFunctionalities.

    In the *.script file:


Window {
    windowActivatedCommand = enableFunctionalities
    TabView {
        TabViewItem Main {

In the Python file, we define the function enableFunctionalities. We see our action as Python code in the Scripting Assistant. Just copy the code into our Python function.

def enableFunctionalities():
    ctx.field("SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor.updateCSOIdUnderMouseCursor").value = True
  1. Implement a field listener. This field listener will detect when you hover over a CSO and the CSO id changes. Triggered by a CSO id change, a colorization function will be executed, which will colorize the selected CSO.

In the *.script file:


Commands {
    source = $(LOCAL)/
    FieldListener SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor.csoIdUnderMouseCursor {
        command = colorizeCSO

In the Python file:

# global variables
listCSOs = []
idxCSO = -1

def colorizeCSO():
    if ctx.field("CSOManager.numCSOs") == 0:
        global listCSOs
        global idxCSO
        if listCSOs == []:
            listCSOs = ctx.field("CSOManager.outCSOList").object()
        # Changing back color of previously selected CSO to default value
        if idxCSO >= 0:
            oldCSO = listCSOs.getCSOAt(idxCSO)
            oldCSO.setPathPointColor((1.0, 1.0, 0.0)) # Color change of CSO
            oldCSO.setPathPointWidth(1)               # Line width change
        # Changing color and width of selected CSO
        idxCSO = ctx.field("SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor.csoIdUnderMouseCursor").value - 1 # -1 because CSOs are indexed starting at 1
        if idxCSO >= 0:
            currentCSO = listCSOs.getCSOAt(idxCSO)
            currentCSO.setPathPointColor((1.0, 0.0, 1.0))

Reload your module ( F5 ) and open the panel. After generating CSOs, the CSO under your mouse is marked. Clicking this CSO Left Mouse Button enables the marking in the 3D viewer. If you like, you can add some settings to your Settings page. For example


TabViewItem Settings {
    Field CSOIsoGenerator.isoValue {}
    Field SoCSOVisualizationSettings.ghostingDepthInVoxel {}

Colored selection

Colored selection


  • The control Tabview creates tabs in panels.
  • The control Viewer allows to add viewers to your panel.
  • The control Button creates a button executing a Python function when pressed.
  • The tag WindowActivationCommand of the control Window triggers Python functions executed when opening the panel.
  • Field listeners can be used to activate Python functions triggered by a change of defined parameter fields.
  • Use the view Scripting Assistant can be used to translate actions into Python code.