Beginner Tutorial Package

Example 2.1: Package creation


Packages are the way MeVisLab organizes different development projects.

Macro modules and projects are stored in packages. If you like to create a global macro module, you need a package in which this macro module can be stored in. In this chapter, we will create our own package. We start our package creation by creating a package group, because every package needs to be stored in a package group. You can find detailed information about packages and package groups here and in the package documentation .

Steps to do

To create packages and package groups, we will use the Project Wizard. Open the Project Wizard via [ File → Run Project Wizard ... ]. Then, select [ Package → New Package ] and Run Wizard.

The Project Wizard

The Project Wizard

Next you need to:

  1. Find a name for your package group, for example your company name or in our example the name MyPackageGroup.

  2. Find a name for your package, in our example we call it General.

  3. Select the path your package group is supposed to be stored in (If you like to add a package to an existing package group, select its name and chose the path the package group is stored in)

If you now create the package, you can find a folder structure in the desired directory. The folder of your package group contains the folder of your package. We have now successfully created a package in which we can store our global macro module.

Package creation

Package creation


  • Packages are needed to store global macro modules and projects.
  • Package groups contain packages.
  • Packages and package groups can be created using the Project Wizard.
  • Detailed information about packages can be found in the package documentation .