Beginner Tutorial Macro Macro modules Global Macro User Interface GUI

Example 2.4: Building a Panel Layout: Interactions with macro modules


This chapter will give you an introduction into the creation of module panels and user interfaces. For the implementation you will need to use the MeVisLab Definition Language (MDL) .

Creating a panel for the macro module flilter

Creation of a module panel

In Example 2.2 we created the global macro module Filter. By now, this module does not have a proper panel. When double-clicking Left Mouse Button the module, the Automatic Panel is shown.

The Automatic Panel contains fields, as well as module in and outputs. In this case, no fields exists except the instanceName. Accordingly, there is no possibility to interact with the module. Only the input and the output of the module are given.

Automatic Panel

Automatic Panel

To add and edit a panel, open the context menu and select [ Related Files → Filter.script ]. The text editor MATE opens. You can see the file Filter.script, which you can edit to define a custom User Interface for the Module.

Module script file

Module script file

Module interface

Per default, the *.script file contains the interface of the module. In the interface section (everything insight the curled brackets behind the name Interface) you can define the module inputs, the module outputs and also all module fields (or Parameters).


Interface {
    Inputs {
        Field input0 {
            internalName = Convolution.input0
    Outputs {
        Field output0 {
            internalName = Arithmetic2.output0
Module inputs and outputs

To create an input/output, you need to define a Field in the respective input/output environment. Each input/output gets a name (here input0/output0) which you can use to reference this field. The module input maps to an input of the internal network. You need to define this mapping. In this case the input of the macro module Filter maps to the input of the module Convolution of the internal network (internalName = Convolution.input0). Similarly, you need to define which output of the internal network maps to the output of the macro module Filter. In this example, the output of the internal module Arithmethic2 maps to the output of our macro module Filter (internalName = Arithmetic2.output0).

Creating an input/output causes:

  1. Input/output connectors are added to the module.
  2. You can find placeholders for the input and output in the internal network (see image).
  3. Input/output fields are added to the automatic panel.
  4. A description of the input/output fields is automatically added to the module help file, when opening the *.mhelp file after input/output creation. Helpfile creation is explained in Example 2.3.

Internal Network of your macro module

Internal Network of your macro module

Module fields

In the environment Parameters you can define fields of your macro module. These fields may map to existing fields of the internal network (internalName = … ), but they do not need to and can also be completely new. You can reference these fields when creating a panel, to allow interactions with these fields. All fields appear in the Automatic Panel.

Module panel layout

To create your own User Interface, we need to create a Window . A window is one of the layout elements which exist in MDL. These layout elements are called controls . The curled brackets define the window environment, in which you can define properties of the window and insert further controls like a Box .

Initially, we call the window MyWindowTitle, which can be used to reference this window.

Double-clicking Left Mouse Button on your module now opens your first self developed User Interface.


Interface {
    Inputs {
        Field input0 {
            internalName = Convolution.input0
    Outputs {
        Field output0 {
            internalName = Arithmetic2.output0
    Parameters {


Window MyWindowName {
    title = MyWindowTitle

    Box MyBox {


Module Panel

Module Panel

You can define different properties of your control. For a window, you can for example define a title, or whether the window should be shown in full screen (fullscreen = True).

These properties are called tags and are individually different for each control. Which tags exist for the control window can be found here . The control box has different tags. You can for example define a title for the box, but you can not define whether to present the box in full screen.

If you like to add more than one control to your window, for example one box and one label, you can specify their design like in the following examples:


Window MyWindowName {
    title = MyWindowTitle
    w = 100
    h = 50

    Vertical {
        Box MyBox {
            title = "Title of my Box"
        Label MyLabel {
            title = "This is a label below the box"

Vertical layout of Box and Text

Vertical layout of Box and Text


Window MyWindowName {
    title = MyWindowTitle
    w = 100
    h = 50

    Horizontal {
        Box MyBox {
            title = "Title of my Box"
        Label MyLabel {
            title = "This is a label below the box"

Horizontal layout of Box and Text

Horizontal layout of Box and Text

There are much more controls, which can be used. For example a CheckBox, a Table, a Grid, a Button, ... . To find out more, take a look into the MDL Reference .

Module interactions

Until now, we learned how to create the layout of a panel. As a next step, we like to get an overview over interactions.

Access to existing fields of the internal network

To interact with fields of the internal network in your User Interface, we need to access these fields. To access the field of the internal module Convolution, which defines the kernel, we need to use the internal network name. To find the internal field name, open the internal network of the macro module Filter (click on the module using the middle mouse button Middle Mouse Button / Mouse Wheel ).

Then, open the panel of the module Convolution and right-click Right Mouse Button the field title Use of the box Predefined Kernel and select Copy Name. You now copied the internal network name of the field to your clipboard. The name is made up of ModuleName.FieldName, in this case Convolution.predefKernel.

Convolution Module

Convolution Module

In the panel of the module Convolution, you can change this variable Kernel via a drop-down menu. In MDL a drop-down menu is called a ComboBox . We can take over the field predefKernel, its drop-down menu and all its properties by creating a new field in our panel and reference to the internal field Convolution.predefKernel, which already exist in the internal network.

Changes of the properties of this field can be done in the curled brackets using tags (here, we changed the title).


Window MyWindowName {
    title = MyWindowTitle
    Field Convolution.predefKernel {
        title = Kernel

Selecting the kernel

Selecting the kernel

As an alternative, you can define the field kernel in the Parameters environment, and reference the defined field by its name. The result in the panel is the same. You can see a difference in the Automatic Panel. All fields, which are defined in the interface in the Parameters environment appear in the Automatic Panel. Fields of the internal network, which are used but not declared in the section Parameters of the module interface do not appear in the Automatic Panel.


Interface {
    Inputs {
        Field input0 {
            internalName = Convolution.input0
    Outputs {
        Field output0 {
            internalName = Arithmetic2.output0
    Parameters {
        Field kernel {
            internalName = Convolution.predefKernel
            title = Kernel:

Window MyWindowName {
    title = MyWindowTitle
    Field kernel {}


We can not only use existing functionalities, but also add new interactions via Python scripting.

In below example we added a wakeupCommand to the Window and a simple command to the Button.


Window MyWindowName {
    title = MyWindowTitle
    wakeupCommand = myWindowCommand
    Button MyButton {
        command = myButtonAction

The wakeupCommand defines a Python function which is executed as soon as the Window is opened. The Button command is executed when the user clicks on the Button.

Both commands reference a Python function which is executed whenever both actions (open the Window or click the Button) are executed.

If you like to learn more about Python scripting, take a look at Example 2.5.

We need to define the Python script, which contains our Python functions. In order to do this, add a Command section outside your window and define the tag source.



Commands {
    source = $(LOCAL)/

You can right-click Right Mouse Button on the command (myWindowCommand or myButtonAction) in your *.script file and select [ Create Python Funtion...... ]. The text editor MATE opens automatically and generates an initial Python function for you. You can simply add a logging function or implement complex logic here.


def myWindowCommand:
    MLAB.log("Window opened")

def myButtonAction:
    MLAB.log("Button clicked")

Available examples

MeVisLab provides a lot of example modules for GUI development. All of these examples provides the *.script file for UI development and the *.py file containing the Python script.

Layouting examples

Other examples

Please use the Module Search with the prefix Test for more examples.


  • User interfaces and several module panels can be created for each macro module.
  • You can create a panel, define inputs and outputs as well as interactions, in your *.script file in MATE by using the MeVisLab Definition Language (MDL) .
  • Module interactions can be implemented using commands, which are linked to Python functions.
  • You can implement field listeners, which trigger actions after a field value changes.