Beginner Tutorial Data Import DICOM

Example 1: Data Import in MeVisLab

MeVisLab provides several pre-defined modules to import data for processing in your networks.

These chapters explain the data formats and modules related to this example:


A good option to load images is the ImageLoad module.

ImageLoad Module

ImageLoad Module

The ImageLoad module can import the following formats:

  • TIFF
  • RAW
  • PNM
  • Analyze
  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • MLImageFileFormat

Basic information of the imported images are available on the Panel which opens via double-click.

DICOM data

Even if the above explained ImageLoad is able to import DICOM data, a much better way is to use one of the specialized modules for DICOM images such as DicomImport.

The DicomImport module allows to define a directory containing DICOM files to import as well as a list of files which can be dropped to the UI and imported. After import, the volumes are shown in a patient tree providing the following patient, study, series and volume information (depending on the availability in the DICOM file(s)):

  • PATIENT LEVEL Patient Name (0010,0010) - Patient Birthdate (0010,0030)
    • STUDY LEVEL Study Date (0008,0020) - Study Description (0008,1030)
      • SERIES/VOLUME LEVEL Modality (0008,0060) - Series Description (0008,103e) - Rows (0028,0010) - Columns (0028,0011) - number of slices in volume - number of time points in volume

DicomImport Module

DicomImport Module


The DicomImport module generates volumes based on the Dicom Processor Library (DPL) which allows to define sorting and partitioning options.

DicomImport Sort Part Configuration

DicomImport Sort Part Configuration

DicomTree information

In order to get all DICOM tags from your currently imported and selected volume, you can connect the DicomImport module to a DicomTagBrowser.

DicomTagBrowser Module

DicomTagBrowser Module

Segmentations / 2D Contours

2-dimensional contours in MeVisLab are handled via CSOs (Contour Segmentation Objects).

The CSO library provides data structures and modules for an interactive or automatic generation of contours in voxel images. Furthermore, these contours can be analyzed, maintained, grouped, and converted into a voxel image or a set of markers.

CSOs can be created by the existing SoCSO*Editor modules. The following modules are available:

  • SoCSOPointEditor
  • SoCSOAngleEditor
  • SoCSOArrowEditor
  • SoCSODistanceLineEditor
  • SoCSODistancePolylineEditor
  • SoCSOEllipseEditor
  • SoCSORectangleEditor
  • SoCSOIsoEditor
  • SoCSOSplineEditor
  • SoCSOPolygonEditor
  • SoCSOLiveWireEditor

For saving and loading existing CSOs, the modules CSOSave and CSOLoad can be used.

3D data / meshes

Winged Edge Mesh (WEM)

3-dimensional meshes in MeVisLab are handled via WEMs (Winged Edge Mesh).

The module WEMLoad loads different 3D mesh file formats like:

  • Object File Format (*.off *.geom)
  • Wavefront (*.obj)
  • Polygon File Format (*.ply)
  • Standard Tessellation Language (*.stl)
  • VRML (*.wrl)
  • Winged Edge Mesh (*.wem)

WEMLoad Module

WEMLoad Module

WEMs can be rendered via Open Inventor by using the modules SoExaminerViewer or SoRenderArea and SoCameraInteraction.

Before visualizing a WEM, it needs to be converted to a Scene Object via SoWEMRenderer.

SoWEMRenderer Module

SoWEMRenderer Module

Loading arbitrary 3D files

The SoSceneLoader module is able to load external 3D formats. MeVisLab uses the integrated assimp ThirdParty library which is able to import most common 3D file types. The currently integrated assimp version can be found here

SoSceneLoader Module

SoSceneLoader Module

The SoSceneLoader module generates a 3D scene from your loaded files which can be rendered via SoExaminerViewer or SoRenderArea and SoCameraInteraction