- Introduction to MeVisLab
Overview of MeVisLab Tutorials and general information about User Interface, modules, types of modules, searching for modules and Glossary including filetypes.
- Chapter I: Basic Mechanisms of MeVisLab
Examples explaining the basic mechanisms of MeVisLab like using modules and connecting them to Networks for viewing images.
- Example 1: Data import in MeVisLab
How to import several data formats into MeVisLab like DICOM, Contours, Surface Objects or 3D Scenes.
- Example 1.1: MeVisLab Coordinate Systems
The different coordinate systems in MeVisLab: World-, Voxel- and Device coordinates.
- Example 1.2: DICOM Coordinate Systems
The different coordinate systems in DICOM.
- Example 2: Macro modules and Module Interaction
Examples for Creating Macro modules, adding User Interfaces and Python scripting.
- Example 2.1: Package Creation
Creation of packages necessary for macro modules.
- Example 2.2: Creation of global macro modules
Creation of global macro modules from a local macro using the Project Wizard
- Example 2.3: Creation of module help
Creation of module help files in MATE
- Example 2.4: GUI development
Custom User Interfaces for macro modules.
- Example 2.5: Interactions via Python scripting
Interactions with macro modules via Python scripting
- Example 2.5.1: The module RunPythonScript
The module RunPythonScript
- Example 2.5.2: Module interactions via Python scripting
Module interactions via Python scripting
- Example 3: Creating a simple application
Adding viewer to your UI and implement a field listener in Python
- Example 4: Installing additional Python packages using the PythonPip module
Installing additional Python packages using the PythonPip module
- Example 5: Debugging Python in MATE
Debugging Python in MATE
- Chapter II: Open Inventor
Examples for handling Open Inventor Modules and Scene Graphs in MeVisLab.
- Example 1: Open Inventor Objects
Create Open Inventor Objects, change Material, Translate location in 3D and general explanation about Scene Graphs.
- Example 2: Mouse interactions in Open Inventor
Implementation of mouse interactions in Open Inventor Scenes
- Example 3: Camera Interactions in Open Inventor
Examples for camera interactions in Open Inventor
- Example 4: Post Effects in Open Inventor
Learn how to use Post Effects in Open Inventor
- Chapter III: Visualization
Examples for different possibilities of visualizations in MeVisLab.
- Example 1: Synchronous view of two images
Use the SynchroView2D Module for visualizing the same slice(s) of two images
- Example 2: Creating a magnifier
Display an image in different viewing directions and mark locations in the image for creating a Magnifier from a rectangle
- Example 3: Image Overlays
How to blend images and masks over each other
- Example 4: Display 2D images in Open Inventor SoRenderArea
Example for displaying images in Open Inventor SoRenderArea
- Example 5: Volume rendering and interactions
Volume rendering with lookup table (LUT) rotating automatically.
- Example 6: MeVis Path Tracer
Example usage of the MeVis Path Tracer
- Example 6.1: Volume Rendering vs. Path Tracer
Comparison between Volume Rendering and MeVisLab Path Tracer
- Example 6.2: Visualization using Path Tracer
Comparison between Volume Rendering and MeVisLab Path Tracer
- Example 7: Add 3D viewer to OrthoView2D
Add 3D viewer to OrthoView2D.
- Example 8: Vessel Segmentation using SoVascularSystem
Vessel Segmentation using SoVascularSystem.
- Example 9: Creating Dynamic 3D Animations using AnimationRecorder
Creating Dynamic 3D Animations using AnimationRecorder
- Chapter IV: Image Processing
Examples for processing images in MeVisLab.
- Example 1: Arithmetic operations on two images
In this example, you will apply scalar functions on two images like Add, Multiply, Subtract, etc.
- Example 2: Masking images
In this example, you will apply a mask on an image, so that contrast changes are not applied on black background pixels
- Example 3: Region Growing
In this example, you segment parts of an image by using a simple region growing.
- Example 4: Subtract 3D objects
In this example, we create two 3-dimensional and subtract them.
- Example 5: Clip Planes
In this example, show some options for integrating clip planes into your 3D views.
- Chapter V: Data Objects
Examples for handling Data Objects like Contours, Surfaces and Markers in MeVisLab.
- Contour Objects (CSO)
Contour Segmented Objects (CSOs) in MeVisLab
- Contour Example 1: Creation of Contours
Creation of simple Contours changing their appearance
- Contour Example 2: Contour Interpolation
Creating Contours using Live Wire and linear Interpolation, grouping CSOs for different colors
- Contour Example 3: 2D and 3D Visualization of Contours
Overlay Creation and 3D Visualization of Contours
- Contour Example 4: Annotation of Images
Calculate the volume of your segmentation and display ml value on your image in viewer
- Contour Example 5: Contours and Ghosting
Visualizing Contours on currently visible and neighboring slices (ghosting)
- Contour Example 6: Adding Labels to Contours
Adding Labels to Contours
- Contour Example 7: Using the CSOListContainer
Using the CSOListContainer
- Surface Objects (WEM)
Surface Objects (WEM) in MeVisLab
- Surface Example 1: Creation of WEMs
Creation of Surface objects (WEMs) from an image via WEMIsoSurface module
- Surface Example 2: Processing and Modification of WEM
Examples for modification, smoothing and annotations on WEM
- Surface Example 3: Interactions with WEM
Interactions with WEM
- Surface Example 4: Interactively moving WEM
Example for implementing WEM translations via mouse interaction
- Surface Example 5: WEM - Primitive Value Lists
Examples how to calculate distances between WEM objects
- Marker Objects
Marker Objects in MeVisLab
- Example 1: Distance between Markers
Calculate the distance between Marker objects.
- Curves
Curves in MeVisLab
- Example 1: Drawing curves
Draw one or more curves into a diagram.
- Chapter VI: Testing
Testing, Profiling and Debugging in MeVisLab
- Example 1: Writing a simple test case in MeVisLab
Writing a simple test case for the module DicomImport in MeVisLab using Python and MeVisLab TestCenter.
- Example 2: Profiling in MeVisLab
Enabling the MeVisLab Profiler and inspecting the behaviour of your network
- Example 3: Iterative tests in MeVisLab with Screenshots
Writing an iterative test in MeVisLab
- Chapter VII: Application Development
Application Development in MeVisLab
- Step 1: Prototyping - Develop your Network
Develop a prototype of your application in MeVisLab SDK.
- Step 2: Prototyping - Create a macro module
Create a macro module from your network.
- Step 3: Prototyping - User Interface and Python scripting
Develop your User Interface and add Python functions.
- Step 4: Review - Automated Tests
Test your macro module in MeVisLab. Your requirements are translated into test cases written in Python.
- Step 5: Review - Installer creation
Create a standalone application by using the MeVisLab ApplicationBuilder and install the application on another system.
- Step 6: Refine - Update Application
Integrate feedback from customers having installed your executable and adapt your test cases from Example 4.
- Step 7: Refine - Re-Build Installer
Re-build your executable and release a new version of your application.
- Extra: Run your application in Browser
Adapt existing application to run in a browser window.
- Chapter VIII: ThirdParty components
Usage of ThirdParty software integrated into MeVisLab
- OpenCV
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) in MeVisLab
- Example 1: WebCam access with OpenCV
Access your webcam and use the live video in MeVisLab via OpenCV.
- Example 2: Face Detection with OpenCV
Enhance OpenCV WebCam example and build a face detection using MeVisLab, OpenCV and Python.
- assimp
Asset-Importer-Lib (assimp)
- Example 1: 3D Printing in MeVisLab
Open a 3D file and save the file or 3D scene as *.stl file for 3D printing.
- PyTorch
- Example 1: Installing PyTorch using the PythonPip module
Installing PyTorch using the PythonPip module.
- Example 2: Brain Parcellation using PyTorch
Brain Parcellation using PyTorch
- Example 3: Segment persons in webcam videos
Segment persons in webcam videos.
- Matplotlib
- Example 1: Module Setup
Example 1: Module Setup
- Example 2: 2D Plotting
Example 2: 2D Plotting
- Example 3: Slice Comparison
Example 3: Slice Comparison
- Example 4: 3D Plotting
Example 4: 3D Plotting
- Tips and Tricks
Short Tips and Tricks in MeVisLab