
Example 2.5: Interactions via Python scripting

Example 2.5: Module Interactions Using Python Scripting Introduction This chapter will give you an overview over Python scripting in MeVisLab. Here, no introduction into Python will be given. However, basic knowledge in Python is helpful. Instead, we will show how to integrate and use Python in the MeVisLab SDK. In fact, nearly everything in MeVisLab can be done via Python scripting: You can add modules to your network, or remove modules, you can dynamically establish and remove connections and so on.

Example 2.5.1: The module RunPythonScript

Example 2.5.1: The module RunPythonScript      This example is also available on YouTube. Introduction The module RunPythonScript allows to execute Python scripts from within a MeVisLab network. You can draw parameter connection from modules to RunPythonScript and back, to process parameter fields using Python scripting. Steps to do Develop your network In this example, we like to dynamically change the color of a cube in an Open Inventor scene. For that, add and connect the following modules as shown.

Example 2.5.2: Module interactions via Python scripting

Example 2.5.2: Module interactions via Python scripting      This example is also available on YouTube. Introduction In this example, you will learn how to add Python scripting to your User Interface. The network used in Chapter V will be used for creating the macro module. Steps to do Creating the macro module First, we condense the example network into a macro module and then we create a panel for that module. To create a macro module use the Project Wizard, which you find under [ File → Run Project Wizard ].

Example 3: Creating a simple application

Example 3: Creating a simple application Introduction In the previous examples, you already learned how to create macro modules, user interfaces and how to interact with your UI via Python scripting. In this example, you will learn how to create a simple Prototype application in MeVisLab including a User Interface with 2D and 3D viewer. You will learn how to implement field listeners and react on events. Steps to do Create your network Start with an empty network and add the Module ImageLoad to your workspace.