
Surface Objects (WEM)

Surface Objects (WEMs) Introduction In MeVisLab it is possible to create, visualize, process and manipulate surface objects, also known as polygon meshes. Here, we call surface objects Winged Edge Mesh, in short WEM. In this chapter you will get an introduction into WEMs. In addition, you will find examples on how to work with WEMs. For more information on WEMs take a look at the MeVislab Toolbox Reference . If you like to know which WEM formats can be imported into MeVisLab, take a look at the assimp documentation here.

Surface Example 1: Creation of WEMs

Surface Example 1: Create Winged Edge Mesh out of voxel images and CSOs      This example is also available on YouTube. Introduction In this example you will learn how to create a Winged Edge Mesh (WEM). There are several approaches on creating WEMs, a few of them are shown in this example. Instead of creating WEMs, they can also be imported, see chapter Surface Objects (WEM). Steps to do From image to surface: Generating WEMs out of voxel images At first, we will create a WEM out of a voxel image using the module WEMIsoSurface.

Surface Example 2: Processing and Modification of WEM

Surface Example 2: Processing and Modification of WEM      This example is also available on YouTube. Introduction In this example, you will learn how to modify and process WEMs. Steps to do Develop your network Modification of WEMs Use the module WEMLoad to load the file Then add and connect the shown modules. We like to display the WEM venus two times, one time this WEM is modified. You can use the module WEMModify to apply modifications.

Surface Example 3: Interactions with WEM

Surface Example 3: Interactions with WEM      This example is also available on YouTube. Introduction In these examples, we are showing 2 different possibilities to interact with a WEM: Scale, rotate and move a WEM in a scene Modify a WEM in a scene Scale, rotate and move a WEM in a scene We are using a SoTransformerDragger module to apply transformations on a 3D WEM object via mouse interactions. Add a SoCube and a SoBackground module and connect both to a SoExaminerViewer.

Surface Example 4: Interactively moving WEM

Surface Example 4: Interactively moving WEM      This example is also available on YouTube. Introduction In this example, we like to interactively move WEMs using SoDragger modules insight a viewer. Develop your network Interactively translating objects in 3D using SoDragger modules Add and connect the following modules as shown. In the panel of the module WEMInitialize select the Model Octasphere. After that, open the viewer SoExaminerViewer and make sure to select the Interaction Mode.

Surface Example 5: WEM - Primitive Value Lists

Surface Example 5: WEM - Primitive Value Lists      This example is also available on YouTube. Introduction WEMs do not only contain the coordinates of nodes and surfaces, they can also contain additional information. These information are stored in so called Primitive Value Lists (PVLs). Every node, every surface and every edge can contains such a list. In these lists, you can for example store the color of the node or specific patient information.