
Introduction to MeVisLab

Tutorial Introduction Welcome to MeVisLab! More than 20 years of experience and the continuous implementation of adaptations made MeVisLab one of the most powerful development platforms for medical image processing. Several applications and their prototypes are based on and could be realized because of MeVisLab, including software assistants for neuro-imaging, dynamic image analysis, surgery planning, and cardiovascular analysis. MeVisLab is a development environment for rapid prototyping and product development of medical and industrial imaging applications.


Symbols We embedded three symbols, referencing additional info, tasks and warnings: Info:  Provides additional links or info on the current topic. Check:  Points out a related task. Warning:  Hints common mistakes or steps you should consider beforehand. Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts are incorporated like this: CTRL + ALT + 2 . Networks The networks shown and used in the tutorials can be found in the Examples section of this page. They are usually embedded like this:    Download .